Papers and posters


Recent applications of LandTrendr

Tracking forest mortality from insect pests: Meigs_etal_2015_Forest Insects

Basal area mortality from bark beetles:  Bright_etal_2014_landsat_lidar_beetle

Examining land cover changes in relation to salmonid habitat:  Bartz_etal_2015_plosone

Review papers

Climate-induced vegetation disturbances:  Mcdowell_etal_2015

Landsat in ecological applications:  Kennedy_etal2014_frontiers

Core methods papers

Attribution of change agent:  In press — proof.

Basic LandTrendr algorithm description:  Kennedy_etal2010

Application to mapping disturbance: Kennedy_etal_2012_nwfp



Carbon monitoring system overview (presented at NASA Terrestrial Ecology meeting April 2015)